IMSH 2025

Orange County Convention Center - West Hall
9800 International Dr., Orlando, FL 32819
(Google map)



IMSH 2025 Registration Categories 


General Session Registration includes daily Plenary sessions, accredited educational content, program materials, exhibit hall access, coffee breaks and three (3) lunches, access to content in IMSH STAT! and access to archived live-streamed sessions. Rates for SSH Members, Non-Members, U.S. Government, and Undergraduate Students. 

One-Day Pass registration includes daily Plenary Session, accredited educational content, Exhibit Hall access, beverage breaks and lunch (when available). One-Day Pass registration does NOT include eligibility to register for any additional paid activities or content. One-day purchase is not allowed for Friday, January 10. Purchase of more than (1) One-Day Pass is not allowed. See full conference program for detailed schedule and offerings for each day. 

Guest Pass registration includes Plenary Sessions, Exhibit Hall, beverage breaks and lunches. Does NOT include access to the General Session courses, Pre/Post-conference Immersive Courses, or virtual content. General Session registrants may only purchase one (1) guest pass. Guest passes may only be purchased via the registration of a General Session attendee.  

IMSH STAT! virtual-only registration will consist of educational content recorded from the in-person event. Keynote speakers and SSH Fellows mainstage content will be recorded and included in the IMSH STAT! 2025 Collection. Virtual attendees will have access to earn a total of 20 IPCE credit hours. The IMSH STAT! 2025 Collection will be comprised of: 

  • Recordings of Plenary Sessions (4 speakers) 
  • Recordings of 20 presentations specially curated for the virtual audience.  
  • 4 Recorded Learning Lab presentations 
  • Virtual exhibitor profiles 

Virtual Content will be available until June 30, 2025. 

Not Attending IMSH 

If you are only attending an Accreditation, CHSE, or CHSOS course, or the Healthcare Simulation 2050: Building a Better Future Together event, you do not have access to additional IMSH activities.

Only those with a full IMSH registration may attend other preconference events, the President’s Diamond Ball, educational content, or other IMSH activities.



IMSH 2025 Registration Fees 

PDF: (Rate Guide) (Terms & Conditions)

General Session Registration – On-site/virtual hybrid


Early Bird

9/5/2024 – 10/18/2024
11:59 PM EST


10/18/2024 – 12/19/2024
11:59 PM EST

Late & On-site

Rates begin 12/20/24
12:00 AM EST













Undergraduate Student***





One-Day and Guest Passes

One-Day Pass
Guest Pass 


IMSH STAT! 2025 Virtual Only Registration 







Group Registration is now CLOSED!


* To receive the member rate for registration, the SSH membership must be valid through January 31, 2025.  
** A valid United States federal government/active-duty military email address will be required when registering. This rate does not apply to state or local government, state education institutions, or non-US organizations. 
*** Current Full-time Undergraduate Student status documentation must be uploaded at time of registration.


Click the Rate Guide PDF for extended pricing and information on:

• Preconference Event: "Healthcare Simulation 2050: Building a Better Future Together" ($150 for IMSH attendees / $250 for non-IMSH attendees)
• Immersive Courses & Excursions ($299)
• CHSE ($370) & CHSOS ($320) Courses 
• SSH Accreditation Application Readiness Course ($299)
• President's Diamond Ball ($125)
• #SimFit25 Fun Run/Walk ($35)
• IMSH 25th Anniversary Cornhole Tournament ($25 per person/$50 per team)
• IMSH 25th Anniversary Commemorative Coins ($10/$17 for virtual attendees)
• IMSH 25th Anniversary Coffee Table Book ($50)